Who We Are:

We are an independent Catholic church with Anglican Patrimony. We continue in the teachings, traditions, and fellowship of the Apostles and Early Church Fathers as expressed through the Seven Sacraments, especially Baptism and Holy Eucharist. As faithful stewards of the Catholic Faith, our teaching and practice is based on tradition, scripture, and reason as interpreted by the Ecumenical Councils of the early undivided Church. We affirm the Apostles' Creed, Nicene Creed, and Athanasian Creed to be the essential doctrinal statements of the Catholic faith. Our church's liturgical foundation is the Missal, which demonstrates our Catholic Faith, Anglican Patrimony, and Evangelistic Witness.

The center of our worship is the Holy Eucharist, also called Holy Communion, the Mass, the Lord's Supper, and the Divine Liturgy.

Our History:

St. Mary's was founded in 1994 by Fr. Nelson Skinner. Through his tireless work and with the help of his family the parish grew. Fr. Skinner had an indomitable spirit that loved the community of Liverpool. Because of his decorated military service he had a deep affection for military veterans and service men and women and his ministry with them was strong.

As Fr. Skinner's health and ability to serve the parish declined in recent years, so did church attendance and the vibrance of the parish. The exterior of the building also fell into disrepair.

In 2014, Fr. Skinner and St. Mary's Vestry decided to ask Fr. Steven Evans and St. Andrew's Church in Syracuse to partner with us in mission and explore a way forward that would bring health and renewal to our parish. Fr. Skinner retired and Fr. Steven Evans, Rector of St. Andrew's Church in Nedrow, became as Priest-in-Charge in 2014, serving both churches until Fr. Cumming was appointed Assistant Priest at St. Mary's in late 2015.  Fr. Cumming was appointed Rector of St. Mary's in February 2016.

Our Clergy:

The Most Reverend Richard Cumming is our Rector. Originally from Glasgow, Scotland, Fr. Cumming first came to the United States in 2009.  He received his seminary education from the University of Glasgow and Union Theological Seminary. He was ordained to the priesthood and appointed as Assistant Priest at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin in 2015. Fr. Cumming was then appointed as the second Rector of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin in February 2016.

The Reverend Father David Coir is our Assisting Priest. He was ordained to the diaconate in June 2019 and to the priesthood in January 2022. He has served as an assisting cleric to several parishes before his coming to St Mary's. Father Coir received his seminary education from Saint Bede's Anglican-Catholic Theological College and Newburgh Theological Seminary. Currently, he serves as a chaplain to the local Catholic hospital.

Deacon John Woloszyn has come to St Mary's from the Catholic Diocese of Syracuse. He has been a deacon for 20+ years serving the Church and local community. Dcn John has led a life dedicated to serving God and His people, and his service at St Mary's is joyously cherished.

Our Future:

Our Church embraces the fullness of the Catholic faith with all that it entails. We are grateful for the ministry of gracious Catholic bishops of the Society of Pius IX who have given our clergy apostolic orders acceptable to the Holy Roman Pontiff so that we can live out our lives in the communion of the Church while retaining the fullness of traditional English Catholic ceremonial.

We are excited about the wonderful future that God has in store for our congregation, and we'd be delighted if you became part of it.